This drill develops the decision making process by making the exercise a cyclic drill where there is continuous decision to be made. There is plenty of activity and the opportunity for the players to learn through practice and repetition.
Using a channel drill to develop decision making skills this is a progression from the two v one and three v two variations.
Developing passing skills with more pressure and intensity
A good progression from two v one that simulates the decision making within a game. Look to vary the lines of the defenders, where they come from to mimic broken play.
This drill allows for a progression from the lateral hands drills. Focus on specific coaching of running lines and effective passing skills.
An extension from other passing drills, providing the coach with an exercise to work on additional techniques related to running lines and passing skills.
This exercise allows you to develop an awareness of running lines and support play, including players holding their depth and communicating. A difficult drill to master but has excellent results in a game by developing the concept of changing direction twice.
This drill is a great progression from the three v two drill as it creates multiple opportunities for practice of the skill under pressure. Create three or four channels of 30x20 metre dimensions - marked out with poles at each end.
Developing lines of running to attack the inside shoulder of defenders
A lateral handling drill that provides a progression from the traditional four v three by including more pressure through having the realignment challenged by opposition. uses cookies
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