Rugby Coaching Drills Video Library

Club safety meeting

Safety is paramount to all clubs rugby planning

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Session 2 diabetes the focus is about safety. It's being a high-profile word that's being used not just in rugby, but a number of sports the detail in there make sure we're aware of it and how important that is actually means from the club day-to-day running its new Junior section - just wait. Anything's really really specifically what do you position if politician understanding your own body? That's true. I think he will come up with. Response might be in selection, which is absolutely the parents then say well maybe any issue any sleep. We are on the unit call email come along and offer. You can't consult with their coaching. You can't control their commitment and consult. They just dismiss whatever you've got to say is there's a little and actually it's the complete opposite is that we make sure we communicate I'm not part of that culture as a club that there's good. We're a caring of the has the best interest of all our members that have means wires and what's interesting for my perspective. I've changed my view on which we need to educate the pages the parents and the pliers and a pen if something was done to see the site because I have exactly the same thing if I get fired come to me and say is there technical competences? So what makes up what where the main key areas of injury? Shoulder injuries. So we've got to tackle break down the scrum and show you some more of those key areas and those key areas are crucial for us as teachers to make sure we actually get those techniques not only does good technique in through the wall for reduce the risk of injury that improves the quality of their performance and how they develop a spider. So when we talk about techniques which were about to go outside and look at For me, it's very much simple things done while we spend. I think many coaches spent enough time progressing and moving on too quickly, and I actually think we should focus on regressing back.