Rugby Coaching Drills Video Library

Focus on the Breakdown

Managing the contact area is an essential part of rugby union, made up of various elements and techniques. Here's a quick look at just a couple that are featured on the website.

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If we've got control of that ball in contact all we've hit arms and it can go hand to hand. That's the best. Or just plain out because that is the quickest. If we can't get it away, then we have to go in for it. And we want Hands-On and ball away again. Obviously what they're trying to get men over the ball to stop us. We have to clear those players out the way. That theme is this first half draws to a close I think modern day now is becoming more and more sort of athletic development. It's very Dynamic powerful game this on using your core strength here core to pull up and Jack back. Here we go. When what turnover born what everybody's looking for is broken defenses and people in the wrong places. Look no look good and Up and Up Get Around spin on and on well done. This is a great fun activity. But clearly if the boys aren't tacking correctly. You can't move forward to our tackle Jack or anything else until the players fully understand the safety implications of making the tackle their feet and came out came out good right on that's not bad what balls we want we want quick ball.