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Categories > Tackling & Defence

The Tackle Battle

Winning the collisions in contact is crucial in the modern game. The coaches provide some theory and practical examples of drills and games to reinforce the basic principles to be effective. The coaches use a variety of progressions and games to keep the session challenging

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The tackle is never finished. Always working, straight back on the feet.Finish it off.Finish it, straight back up on your feet. Good work good work. The academy who do it very well, really proactive on the floor and both in attack and very good in terms of reaction speed to get the hips up and get beyond the tackle point in defence. But as you'll probably notice that's been a major emphasis of both attack and defence for us, really important. And finishing on your frontSo real short, Just getting your footwork going Yeah, you're going to that second one. All right. Got it. Yeah, well whoever gets the ball's the attacker. Let's go. I Finish long, so fellas try and get that line speed off the line. You should be hitting somewhere near halfway. Let's go. Present if you're out the grid, straight back over,.let's go. Yep. Off you go. To get a bit technical detail but also a gameplay element into it makes it more enjoyable for the players but also gets them to recognise gameplay situations. But off we go play the long way. To floor, Barney you're gone Okay Bam you're gone. Okay 2-0. Don't be too concerned about scoring if you've got a foot in touch. Let's just carry on a finish tackles off. Alright, so now we'll go around one at a time and then soon as that tackles made. This guy's work around straight away. So the Defenders there extra defender to secure that ball hopefully if attack is got a good bounce on fire we're straight through to try and turn the ball over. Well done. Well done. Go! I would encourage you as coaches to utilise every opportunity to develop footwork in plays? So that's through warm-ups through small-sided games every opportunity to develop that ability to win collision. Now some players do it in different ways and you can develop the fend or you can use your power and size. But another way is to use your footwork and just unbalance the defender so you can win that collision and come out the other side and get your hips and shoulders through. So that's the key principle for us that we're always promoting that we use footwork to win a collision which allows us to get which allows us to have options allows us to have decisions to play out of contact off the floor etc.