Players move around in a grid passing to each other. A gentle warm up that is easy to grasp if you have a mixture of talent levels. Involves communication and some handling. Progress to include placing the ball on the ground, then another player picking it up. This is another basic skill that also involves a gentle stretch. You can adapt this with any progression you wish.
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Who was on the phone? Drop round to ground your ground to ground to ground. Keep up keep up.
Use as either part of your warm up or as a breakout, this exercise is a high intensity passing challenge. Encourage your players to take ownership of this grid and manage the intensity themselves. Should create lots of fun
All players running around in a small grid, popping balls to each other. Mix up the types of passes, such as one-handed, high passes low passes etc.
Keep them moving before going into more focused stretches.
Progress your passing practises to make them competitive by adding defenders and ore chaos. This attack grid has lots of flexibility and can be used with players of all ages
Aim of the game:
In pairs, walk, jog or run around the grid, passing to their partner only when they call for the ball. Other players will be obstructing their vision and the flight of the pass, so decisions on when to pass will need to be developed
Players must closely follow the player in front, changing direction with them in a small grid. The front player pop passes to their closest supporter then rejoins the back of the snake.
Adding pressure to key skills is crucial to improve your players and to practise like you play. This exercise covers a variety of skills but essentially is about accurate passing and fixing defenders
Passing progressions are based upon the ability of players to fix defenders. Always insure your exercises reflect match situations and refrain from just doing drills because they look good uses cookies
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