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Categories > Catching & Passing

Catch and Pass Basics

Northampton saints academy manager Ross Stewart outlines why the basics are so important and runs through some simple techniques

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What we work on is this a core principles which you know, I know that the England sort of 16 17 s coach have a very similar base to that to what they deliver in which a lot of these boys will then go so it allows us to have some continuity with with the England. So the progression through it would help them with their opportunity, but certainly, you know, nothing here is a secret and at science we're quite transparent with what we deliver simple. I think but effective I think is probably the easiest way to do it, you know good, you know, simple things done. Well, I think we say a lot in training and and that's what we base our cell phone and we get them right we'll get good players and we'll get the results that we were after okay gents. So the first exercise we're going to look at is our catch past skills. So can you give me the key points for catch pass? And okay. So let's get our hands up take the ball as early as possible. Okay? Yeah, so when we caught the ball, we then slight ball two. Push the hands through don't lower the ball on you. Yeah, don't drop the ball below your waist height. Okay, keep the hand pushing through. All right, what do we need is a ball carrier but a death, but what is the ball carrier need? What's one of our key attack principles? Hard running so we attack it a paste. So make sure we put Pace on the ball which will help us with our debt. Okay, let's get straight into it. Then three up the top end just a guy in the middle is going to catch the ball and he's going to turn so it's plate good peek. It hands up turn and go. Okay, one more painting them with short the middleman so you and if you come into the middle here and you're just a bit flat there mate hold your debt. Good push the ball through thing about the fly to the pass good. Okay, justjust take the cones a little bit wider. So just yes, we're going to look at a spin pass. So just there's fine good. We take that take yours out Pete. Okay, so the same some exercise, but what's the difference with our spin pass? Good. So when we make that pass they keep that guide arm up to stop the ball going through. All right, if it's over here we get that misdirection. So when we make that pass, okay, we still catch it early same principle. Okay, we push the pass-through keep the guide arm up. Happy okay. Good stop there. Just come in quickly. Okay, if we're passing the ball a bigger distance, we using that spin pass over 10 meters. What do we need to think about our shape of our attack? We need to have some depth why? All time the tombliboos time on the ball. Okay, mainly because the ball is in the air longer. All right. So if we leave at the same time with a bigger pass, you're going to be flat by the time you get to the book. Okay specially for Wingers when we're looking to play wide Pete couple of times in the game's over chased because you left just a bit early. Alright, so think about the distance. The person's passing is gonna have an impact on when you start or how deep you start off the book Toronto for you can talk to this and make good push it through. Good good pass one more try example caught the ball early love it out deep and all our coaching in everything we do at the club and we want to enjoy ourselves and when we're enjoying ourselves, we get the best best results, you know, we don't we don't shy away from highlighting errors. The boys will order of you certainly with the academy. They will do a review after each session and there and it's for them to understand they have to review their own sessions and reflect on what they did. Well, so, you know, yes, there are comes times where you know, we have to highlight errors, but on the whole it's about encouraging the boys at this age, you know to to understand their made a mistake but understand how to put it correct put to correct it, you know and to do it in this environment so that when we get to the pitch the mistakes don't happen. So yes, ultimately we do encourage but we don't let mistakes continually happen without correcting them.