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Fitness - Burpee's & progressions

Burpee's have disappeared from most fitness training but with the breakdown now so important the "original" military exercise is back with a vengeance. There are two progressions and an explanation on how to integrate them into your touch games

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I'm Jack Kragen. I'm a strength and conditioningcoach. I'm going to show you some Advanced body weight exercises that you can do in isolation or involving your conditioning games rugby the Burpee. These can be done at home or anywhere else. Stand shoulder width, facing forward, break the movement down slowly. You're going to come down to your knees plant your hands kick back straight into the pressup position drop your chest ,release your hands then back to where you started and jump. Nice and slowly. Too many people Rush these before they can mask them. So the first Port of Call is literally to really break it down. Before you add speed very good exercise for conditioning involves your full body falls coming off the ground to jump in the air, which you often do in rugby to do these at home. You can do these in sets of 10. With a break in between if you're doing them on their own maybe 30 seconds. If you would combine these in a circuit, you could pick them on one station and look at to six to ten reps depending on how fit you are before moving on to the next exercise. One thing you want to avoid here is dropping your hips. You want to keep your core nice and tight the whole way through. So a lot of people tend to drop like this put a lot of pressure on the lower back, which is obviously not what we want. So the whole time keep that core nice and strong hips straight not down not up nice straight position for coming back in keeping control of the exercise Master the exercise before you involve speed. And before you look to do too many reps progression of the Burpee with the Press up and release is a burpee tuck Exactly the same start Point facing forward and come down into this position. The Press Up release the hands this time as we come up. We're going to tuck tuck knees right up to the chest. I don't want you to come up from the floor take a break then tuck needs to be immediately after you rise from the from the ground so down here into an explosive duck. Again, Mar 6 eyes for you, add speed a typical drill and rugby to involving conditioning games is a down up a burpee difference to a down up because you can see a lot of people in the do a down up. They throw themselves from standing to the floor. So they literally throw themselves down and then end up coming up any way they can which is obviously still great moving from the floor to the air when you're tired is very tough. The Burpee differs is slightly more advanced because you're looking to keep control of your body the whole time any stage you'll completely In control, so involves engages more core activity than simply just going to the floor and up the next progression of that make it a bit more Dynamic and involve some distance will be a burpee broad jump if we're doing it from here. Exactly the same start point. So at this time we're not jumping up. We're going to jump forward. So as you know will burp egos hands off up to your feet will jump forward again Master it land the jump too many people will go into the next Burpee without sticking the jump. When you jump in make sure that your Landing two feet stick it before continuing into the next Burpee if you could do that one after the other. It will look like this. If you're doing that in a circuit, that would probably be one of the last exercise you do. It's quite a tough one one of the more advanced ones, but maybe look two lengths of maybe a 5 10 meter track if you like. And then rest after if you're doing them on their own you could do maybe for for bird peace with the duct of the broad jump come back on yourself and then rest great way to introduce these exercises, but these core exercises into rugby isn't a game of touch if you imagine on the defending team, they're attacking there's the try line. What you typically see is as a Defender will come up make the touch. I will then retrieve either backpedal or turn Sprint back to the try line. Well before man up down. Then when I come back into play. These exercises are a great way. If you've got a coach watching you can introduce them in to add a bit more conditioning into it. So I'll use the Burpee broad jump as an example. I'll come in make the touch. Retreat back to the truck side down into the Burpee broad jump one change direction So back into the field of play and defend again involves slightly more conditioning in makes it more advanced and just simply a straightforward up down.